Planning for Thriving Cities: perspectives in, and on, Ireland – Webinar
NCSG’s research partner organization in Ireland, the ICLRD, invite you to join a webinar about thriving cities.
The ICLRD Are delighted to invite you to the fifth webinar as part of its ‘Post-Pandemic Planning’ Series.
When: Wednesday, July 28, 2021 – 15:30 to 16:45
Where: Online
This webinar will explore how cities, on the island of Ireland and elsewhere, can envision and plan for more sustainable, inclusive, and thriving futures for all. Cities are central to many contemporary societal challenges. From climate change to the significant socio-economic inequalities exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic, urban populations are at the forefront of both the impacts and the actions needed to address these intersecting concerns. With increasing emphasis on community wellbeing, people and planetary health as key outcomes of development, cities including Amsterdam are adopting strategies such as the “City Doughnut” to drive their transformation, for example, towards a circular economy. As cities on the island of Ireland seek to progress their own agendas within this space, now is a critical moment to think about the future desired for our cities, reflect on experiences from other places and times, and learn about practical interventions happening in the here and now that can contribute to co-creating thriving cities.
Event Programme
Moderator: Dr Andrew McClelland, Research Associate, Alliance Manchester Business School, University of Manchester & Senior Research Associate, ICLRD
Welcome from ICLRD Chair: Ms. Mary MacIntyre, OBE
Prof. Mark Tewdwr Jones, Professor of Cities and Regions at the Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis, The Bartlett, UCL
Mr. John O’Hara, City Planning Officer, Dublin City Council
Ms. Rita Harkin, Northern Ireland Support Officer, Architectural Heritage Fund